Create a graphic novel chapter or comic strip using a single episode from Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress.
Essay Questions for Samuel Daniel, Katherine Philips, John Dryden, Andrew Marvell, Margaret Cavendish, The London Jilt, John Bunyan and Aphra Behn
In what way do the civil war poems register some of the tensions and conflicts of literary form in relation to topical events? You should discuss at least two different poets.
Write an essay that explores some of the issues and conflicts that led to civil war and the overthrow of monarchical government (1642–60) in relation to the poetry you read this semester.
“When our great monarch into exile went,
Wit and religion suffered banishment...
At length the Muses stand restored again
To that great charge which Nature did ordain.” (Dryden)
Wit and religion suffered banishment...
At length the Muses stand restored again
To that great charge which Nature did ordain.” (Dryden)
How does Dryden’s representation of the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 offer commentary on what he sees as the restoration of literary culture?
How do the poems we read this semester illustrate the period’s concern with politics, religion, philosophy, love and/or friendship? You should discuss at least three different poets.
What does Margaret Cavendish have to say about citizenship in The Convent of Pleasure?
How do the female poets address the issue of gender in their works? Do they confirm or contradict prevailing attitudes toward traditional women's roles in the household, political world r literary market? How do the women writers justify their positions and their texts?
"Somewhere between Chaucer's Wife of Bath and Defoe's Moll Flanders comes The London Jilt.” Write an essay that explores the relation between LJ and its antecedents.
Explore the political rationale for publishing a text like LJ anonymously.
How is female heroism depicted in the protagonists of both the "Jilt" fictions we read this semester?
How is female heroism depicted in the protagonists of both the "Jilt" fictions we read this semester?
“No other seventeenth-century work except the King James Bible, nothing from the pen of a writer of Bunyan's social class in any period, and no other Christian work, has enjoyed such an extensive readership.” Write an essay that explores reasons for the popular success of Bunyan’s PP.
In The Arte of English Poesie Puttenham writes: “Allegoria is when we do speake one thing and thinke another, and that our wordes and our meaning meete not. …when the wordes bear contrary countenance to th’intent … the figure allegorie to be called a long and perpetuall Metaphore.” How does Bunyan’s allegory in PP work? If you are writing the 4,000 word option you should also write about the allegorical tradition - if there was one- and how Bunyan fits into this.
How does Bunyan represent Christiana's spiritual journey in part II of PP?
How do Aphra Behn's prose fictions participate in what Ian Watt (1957) called "the rise of the novel"?
To what extent do Behn's prose fictions reveal her royalist Tory allegiances?
What do the full titles of the prose works by Aphra Behn reveal about thinking about genre?
How do the protagonists in the prose fictions challenge accepted notions of gender?
How does Behn "write the script of feminine desire" (Ruth Salvaggio)?
How does Bunyan represent Christiana's spiritual journey in part II of PP?
How do Aphra Behn's prose fictions participate in what Ian Watt (1957) called "the rise of the novel"?
To what extent do Behn's prose fictions reveal her royalist Tory allegiances?
What do the full titles of the prose works by Aphra Behn reveal about thinking about genre?
How do the protagonists in the prose fictions challenge accepted notions of gender?
How does Behn "write the script of feminine desire" (Ruth Salvaggio)?
Early Modern Utopian Fictions:
“English utopists in this period shared a representation of the ideal commonwealth as shaped by institutions rather than by individuals, monarchs or otherwise. [. . .] Englishness is formed and reformed through the mechanisms of a new institution.” (Amy Boesky). In what ways do the utopias of Neville, Bacon and Cavendish explore an idea of nationhood?
Write a genre-based essay that focuses on early modern Utopias/travel-writing. You should explore the context and development of writing imagined cities/worlds as a way of rationalizing new discoveries and changes in English culture and society.
*If you are picking the 4,000 word option you must include a discussion of Thomas More’s Utopia alongside two 17th century examples discussed in this module.
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