
Course Evaluation and Grading System 

You are expected to attend all lectures and seminars.  I expect you to make an effort to read ALL the primary texts.

1) Every fortnight in semester one, you will prepare a short assignment for submission. In weeks five and seven you will write a 500 word analysis of one of the set readings with special attention to one of the key themes discussed in class. You will be asked to share your response with the class. 

The third task is to rewrite one of the songs or sonnets from Jonson's masques or the Milton poems in a modern dialect of your choice. Here is a sample of this assignment and here are some poetry revision notes.

The fourth task is to write an annotated cast of characters for your film version of one of the plays we read. This should have a justification for why you picked a particular actor for the part. Here is a sample of this assignment.

Your complete portfolio of these  will count towards 20% of your final mark.

2) You will prepare one class presentation in each semester on one of the texts covered on the syllabus.  This should be 15-20 minutes.  
Your presentation should endeavor to include a good selection of the primary reading but the approach you choose is your own.  
You must prepare a handout according to the guidelines here.
You may want to base your presentation on the suggested essay questions.  I will give you a written report and a grade for your presentation.  
This will contribute 10% of your final mark.  

3) In semester one you will write one essays of 2,500 words using your in-class presentation as a starting point. This is worth 20% of your final mark.

In semester two you may write two further essays of 2,000 words each or one longer research project of 4,000 words. 
These are each worth 20% each of your final mark. Due dates are listed in the course schedule. 
I will assign essay topics and titles. 

4) Class participation counts towards 10% of your final mark.

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